Upcoming Shows

Big Laughs and Great Atmosphere

We've been running comedy nights in Ballarat since 2013, bringing the best in Australian comedy to our hometown. It's always a great night out with a social atmosphere and big name acts.

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All you need to know before the show

1What is this comedy night thing? Will it be funny?
Is the Norwich Plaza building ugly? Yes. We'll always bring you the finest and funniest comedians, so you're sure to be left with a sore face.
2Where is it?
The Lounge at The George is a large room at the very back of The George Hotel complex - enter the George at 27 Lydiard Street North, and make your way down the hallway to The Lounge.
3What's the show like?
A regular stand-up comedy room, if you've never been to one before, is not like a show you would see at a festival. We have an MC, two or three support acts and a headliner, with a casual atmosphere and loads of laughs. You have a choice of seats, from rows of seats near the front (for the true comedy fans) and smaller tables off to the side, with  some bigger booths around the outside of the room.
4Can I have dinner in the venue? 
Totally! You can book a table if you're quick, or there are lap-friendly options such as pizza or bowls of chips, and food is served throughout the show. The bar is also open all night, of course! Doors open at 7pm, and we recommend getting in early so you can order before the show starts. Food & Beverages are not included in the ticket price.
5Can I book a table?
Yes! Tables can be reserved, but act quick, as they tend to get booked very quickly. Once you've bought your tickets, you can then reserve a table by calling or emailing The George Hotel: 5333 4866 or: functions@georgehotelballarat.com.au. Tables are reserved for those having dinner in the club, and we appreciate if you can arrive before 7.15pm.
1Tell me more!
Righto. Tickets are general admission, so it's first in best dressed. Doors open at 7.00 and the show will kick off at 8pm. Get in early for the best seats. Even if you've pre-bought your tickets, we recommend arriving early. We will be asking everyone to turn their phones to silent during the show, and videoing is not permitted. Also, please note that the material will be rated 18+. Adult themes, expletives, etc. Heckling - don't even... just don't. Parking? Okay Ballarat... prepare yourselves, because you probably won't get a park out the front. Aarrgghh! Noooo!! You'll be alright... a couple of blocks walk is good for you!
2What if it's raining and cold and my couch looks comfy?
Suck it up Cupcake! You're in Ballarat! Put a coat on and join in the fun. Besides - laughing is good exercise and will warm you up! We also have pizza.
3Okay, I'm in... where do I buy tickets again?
Here! Or you can buy them on the door on the night, but just remember - first in best seated!
4Oh, can I bring my whole work group?
Great idea! Yep, we can talk to you about group bookings and fundraising offers directly. Shoot us an email at info@ballaratcat.com.au.

BallaRatCat Comedy